Unlocking Potential: New Next-Gen Cobot Palletizers in the Food & Beverage/Consumer Goods Sector - Now up to 30 kg!


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Businesses in the food & beverage and consumer goods industries are leaning on cobots to streamline their operations. Their precise movements, force-sensing capabilities, and easy-to-use programming software make them ideal for tasks such as palletizing, packaging, depalletizing, sorting, and quality control. Join Brian Kobus, Business Development Manager from Universal Robots, and Josh Davis, Senior Channel Sales Manager - Western Division from Robotiq, as they dive into innovative cobot solutions that address challenges posed by the heavy payloads, extended reaches, and unique form factors, common to end-of-line processes in these industries.

Learning Objectives:

  • Engage in problem/solution scenarios, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of how next-gen cobot palletizing systems can address specific manufacturing challenges effectively.
  • Explore real-world palletizing case studies
  • Discover methods to identify areas for improvement within your facility and learn the steps required to initiate the implementation of next-generation technologies and solutions.

This webinar will look to solve the problem of strenuous, and tedious palletizing applications in your facility through automation - while offering an ROI of under a year.


Brian Kobus
Brian Kobus
Business Development Manager
Universal Robots

Josh Davis
Josh Davis
Senior Channel Sales Manager - Western Division

Matt Reynolds
Matt Reynolds
Chief Editor
PMMI Media Group

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*If you’re interested but not able to attend the live broadcast, register anyway and we’ll send you a link to the recording and presentation slides once they’re available.