Smart Packaging Trends: Digital Passports and Digital Watermarks

Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Digital watermarking is the embedding of a specialized code across much of the surface area of a package. This code is usually imperceptible to the human eye and is linked to data that includes the provenance, composition, and material information about the package. The data is carried throughout the lifecycle of the package, including after disposal, and the code can be detected by high-definition cameras and detection software in the sortation process at recycling facilities to ensure accurate sortation for any criteria specified by the facility operator, resulting in greater volumes of cleaner, higher quality PCR.

In this webinar, we'll get an update on the current landscape of digital watermarks and digital passports on packaging, explore different use cases, and discuss how Europe is tackling Holy Grail 2.0 to see if digital watermarking can enable better sorting, higher-quality recycling rates, and more competitive end markets for PCR. We’ll also talk about which upstream parties can benefit from the practice. 

Learning Objectives:

  • The Fundamentals of Digital Watermarks and Digital Passports: Understand the technology behind these innovations and how they're applied in packaging.
  • Europe's Holy Grail 2.0 Initiative Explained: Get insights into how Europe is leading the charge in smart packaging solutions and what lessons can be applied globally.
  • Impact on Sustainability Efforts: Learn about the significant role of digital packaging technologies in enhancing recycling rates and reducing waste.
  • Benefits for Upstream Parties: Explore who can leverage these technologies for better traceability, efficiency, and engagement.


Pranav Goenka
Pranav Goenka
Senior Advisor
Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Matt Reynolds
Matt Reynolds
Chief Editor
Packaging World

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*If you’re interested but not able to attend the live broadcast, register anyway and we’ll send you a link to the recording and presentation slides once they’re available.